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cross Disciple

First and foremost, I'm a follower of Jesus. I have been following in his footsteps since September 2016, and it's been the time of my life! I've had incredible opportunities to serve the church as a youth and campus mentor, childrens ministry teacher, camp volunteer, campus ministry leader, missionary, and more. It's my burning passion to serve the church for the rest of my life! If you'd like to learn more about my church (it's international), check this site.

ring Husband

Through the church, I met the amazing woman that is now my wife. We got married in December 2022 and are deeply in love! She is my best friend and teammate and I'd give my life for her time and time again.

desktop Developer

I'm also a passionate developer. I'm mostly a Front-end developer but I aspire to become an experienced Full-stack developer. Thankfully, I have some back-end, database, and data science experience that has helped me get started in that direction. I do have to admit though that my favorite part is designing and building the front-end, which is why I'm always learning new design skills.